A cynically humorous and true account of employment, fatherhood and the tedious daily charade that is life
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Episode 140: Cool tricks, cool tricks!
I've spoken about this before, but today I have a good reason for revisiting it. Yo Gabba Gabba is the weirdest and most oddly satisfying show on children's television. Robots, monsters and one giant tall cyclopes that looks oddly like a ribbed dildo dance around some acid-trip land under the watch of God figure DJ Lance Rock. They go on adventures and sing songs and generally please the senses of toddlers with educational segments that border on nightmarish but somehow remain wholesome and comforting. Whoever designed this show was on lots and lots of drugs.
Part of the show's appeal to adults, besides the pure insanity of it all, is the many celebrity cameos. Musicians like The Roots and the Shins often make appearances on the 'Super Music Friend Show' segment, while others show up for 'Dancy Dance Time.' Jack Black even had his own episode. There is a drawing segment hosted by Mark Mothersbaugh, the wonderfully insane and unstable lead singer of 80's pop sensation Devo.
One of the best segments on the show is called 'Cool Tricks,' in which people- sometimes celebrities, other times just regular people, show of a 'cool trick.' In one episode a kid balances a spoon on his nose. In another a man hand-farts the alphabet. In one episode that we have been watching lately, the Cool Tricks guest is Rahzel. Rahzel is a beat boxer who has been a member of The Roots as well as his own solo work. Think of that guy from Police Academy (not the very fit Steve Gutenberg, the other one who made police car noises) only more gangsta, more talented and more musical. He does a 30 second beat box session. There is also a segment on the show from time to time when Biz Markie of 'Just a Friend' fame also beatboxes, offering up Biz' Beat of the day.
Here is the famous song, just in case you missed this part of the early 90's.
Essentially, what all of this means is that Av is now attempting to beat box. She is young, inexperienced and not too familiar with the hip hop scene, but she tries. Usually, she says 'I like that guy' when she sees Rahzel and then makes a noise that sounds like a cross between a throat-clearing hack and a small child trying to imitate stadium crowd noise. I actually had no idea that she was trying to do it until Monica pointed it out, but it makes perfect sense. I see it now. I am going to try and get video, but as is the case with me trying to film her imitating the count (ah ah ah!), she will never do it when the camera is on.
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