A cynically humorous and true account of employment, fatherhood and the tedious daily charade that is life
Friday, April 8, 2011
Episode 144:
This is a slow loris. It is apparently some kind of monkey squirrel. Doesn't move too quickly, hence the name. He has predictably googly eyes and dangerous looking claws. I have somehow managed to go 27 years without knowing he existed. A quick, lazy google search informed me that people keep these guys as pets. There are also a variety of Youtube videos with titles like "Slow Loris with an umbrella," "Slow Loris being tickled" and "Slow Loris waking up from anesthesia." I did not watch any of them.
This is a slender loris. The slow loris' more fit "cousin." Apparently this particular species of monkey squirrel was scientifically classified by a 5-year-old. He appears to be more of a dick.
For some bizarre reason, there are no videos of either one of these guys eating a cricket in the wild currently available on the Internet. There is, however, a clip of just that in an episode of Zaboomafo titled "Fast and Slow." Av saw this today and I watched her little brain comprehend the food chain for the first time. Honestly, it was kind of weird.
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