See, she does this thing now- which I am told is completely normal- where she just constantly repeats words over and over and over again, and she usually won't stop until you repeat it back to her, and sometimes that doesn't even help. She is getting much better at speaking, so she can now form sentences, like when she hears a dog outside and says 'Do you hear that doggy?" Over and over and over again. Yes, it is adorable, but often times there is no doggy. Sometimes she just makes it up. She also does it with other things. "Do you hear that car?" Do you hear that noise?" and my personal favorite, "Do you hear that fire?" which she says ever time she hears a siren or sees a fire truck. This is all very adorable, at first. After a while, it becomes irritating. Extremely, extremely irritating. The worst is when she starts saying words that you can't understand. Then it becomes a battle of me trying to decipher the word and repeat it correctly, and her getting angry when I cannot. This happens at least once, usually more, every single day.
Like I said, this is one of her very cute traits. When she says certain things it is just hilarious. But it can get intolerable at times, too. Another thing is that she has not figured out how to say 'yes'. She just says 'OK' to everything. So, most mornings go something like this.
Me: 'DO you want some breakfast?"
Av: "Ok. Peanut butter toast?"
Me: "Ok, you want some peanut butter toast?"
Av: "No"
Me: "Ok, what do you want? Cereal? A banana? Peanut butter toast?"
Av: "Toast?
Me "Ok, toast."
Av: "Ok."
Me: DO you want peanut butter toast?
Av: "No"
Me "What do you want on your toast?"
Av: "Peanut butter? Ok. Peanut butter."
Me: Peanut butter toast?"
Av: "Ok."
Yeah. That is just about every morning. She always wants peanut butter toast. Except for when she doesn't, and then the battle is on again.
She appears to be very smart, but I am worried about her coordination and her social skills. Sometimes she acts retarded, especially around other kids her age. She has problems with falling over, handling stairs and walking in to things. I think this is because she is freakishly large for her age, but it is still troubling. Like when she gets passed by kids smaller than her trying to climb up the foam stairs at Monkey Joe's. She will never be able to climb those stairs. I'm convinced. She also has a terrible time listening to and following directions, which she does pretty much never. This creates problems at home but even more problems at dance class, where she has already been moved from ballet to tap for not following directions. (Personally, I think it is absolutely absurd to expect a 2-year-old to stand in a line and follow dance directions. All she wants to do is wear a tu tu and jump around. But, hey, I'm not a snobby dance teacher. What do I know?) In any event, Av is either brilliant or retarded. Or both. Like an idiot savant.
One thing that we have managed to avoid for the most part is any sort of sick dependency on a binkie or blankie or toy of any kind. She has always had her favorites, but there has never really been any one toy that she has obsessed over to the point that it is a problem.
This is hand cat.
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