Despite the misery of yesterday's playground incidents Av and I returned to Forest River this morning, albeit a bit more guarded and weary of those around us. Lucky for us, though, it seems my rant about bitchy park moms must have hit the desk of someone at Karma Inc. (you like what I did there? Clever, right?), because everyone we met today was super nice and no one told me how to parent. In an almost identical situation as yesterday, three moms at the park with about five kids, Av made several fake playground friends and got to play with a few moms/ nannies (tough to tell sometimes) which she usually likes more than actually playing with kids. I didn't even have to swear at anyone or threaten any 2-year-olds. A much better day.
As we said goodbye (or 'Buoy buoy' as Av pronounces it) to some of our new friends I started to think about how different today's interactions were and something occurred to me that I had not previously thought of. The moodiness of moms who I interact with is directly related to their age. I'll explain.
All three miserable, bitchy women yesterday were middle aged, stuck up corporate moms who probably only had kids because their biological clocks told them to, or maybe because it was the trendy thing to do in the neighborhood. They were probably so annoyed by the fact that they had to actually spend time with their kids instead of leaving them with a nanny that they took out all of their aggression on us. In contrast, today's moms were all young. None older than me it seemed, and instead of sitting on their asses and policing their kids they were actually chasing them around the playground and playing with them, which is what I do with Av. In other words, they actually appeared to like being around their children. So, I take back some of the blanket statements I have said in this blog about hating other moms, and amend them to read 'hating older moms.'
I also saw a 300 pound Russian man covered in body hair wearing what appeared to be a Speedo (but could also have been a really, really small pair of shorts) with a t-shirt tied around his head sunning himself on the beach. Gross.
Since I ripped you off on today's post, here is a gift.
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